Personal Injury Lawyer and Queen’s Counsel (Q.C.)

Brent L. Handel, Q.C.
Since you came to this website, you are obviously searching for a personal injury lawyer online. It can be very confusing and frustrating to review multiple websites of personal injury lawyers all claiming to be the best and promising to obtain the highest settlement for you!
What you really need is an independent review process that has already scrutinized the lawyers for you pointing you to a highly skilled lawyer and someone you can trust knowing that lawyer will work hard for you and always be honest with you.
Fortunately, in Alberta there is such an independent review process. It is called a Queen’s Counsel appointment, designated as “Q.C.” for short. In Alberta, Q.C. applications are reviewed by a screening committee comprised of Judges and other lawyers. The Judges and lawyers make recommendations to the Minister of Justice for consideration of a Queen’s Counsel appointment.
The Q.C. designation is given to lawyers who demonstrate excellence in the practice of law as well as professional integrity and good character. It is a designation of superior achievement in many aspects of the law, sterling reputation and contributions to society in general.
It is very difficult to obtain the designation of Q.C. In Alberta there are 9,867 active lawyers and of those lawyers only 41 lawyers are chosen every two years to receive the honour of Q.C. That works out to only 20 lawyers per year out of almost 10,000 active lawyers.
Brent Handel was chosen a Q.C. on December 30, 2011. Brent now has over 30 years of experience as a practicing lawyer. If you need assistance with your serious complex personal injury or fatal accident claim, contact Brent Handel, Q.C. and rest assured that you will have access to top quality legal advice to advance your personal injury claim.
Contact Us
Handel Law Firm
Personal Injury Lawyers
Phone 1-403-466-9078
Edmonton area: 1-403-466-9078
“Brent is a very capable, compassionate and practical lawyer who is
very experienced in handling serious personal injury claims.”