You need to understand the situation you are in. The insurance company for the party at fault acts against you in trying to minimize the payment of your claim in order to maximize profits to the shareholders of the private for-profit insurance company.

Thus, the insurance adjuster does not act for you and you may hurt your case if you continue to talk to the insurance adjuster and tell him/her about your injuries and give information that they can use against you. It is better to hire a lawyer on an early basis who acts solely in your interests so that the lawyer may contact the insurance adjuster and advise the adjuster that all communication should go through the lawyer’s office and that the insurance adjuster should not contact you any further. Once this is done, it is unethical for the insurance company to contact you directly as they must deal with your legal counsel.

Once we are retained we will certainly forward information to the insurance company so that they can “set their reserves” or predict the potential settlement value of the claim, but we will be in control of what information they get and when they get it in order to maximize your claim and to ensure a timely settlement.